Ascension teaches music to every student. God’s word exhorts us to celebratory praise, reverential worship, and skillful expression of our faith through singing and through playing instruments. God’s grace equips all of us with means to worship Him through music, and Ascension’s music program purposes to develop our students’ musical skills. This process begins with teaching students to listen and hear discriminately in order to understand musical ideas, to sing correctly and accurately, and to have a working understanding of music notation. Students also become familiar with the traditional and classical music of our heritage. This includes folk songs of Western culture, classical music composed in the seventeenth through the twentieth centuries, and the historical hymnody of our Christian heritage. Ultimately, Ascension's music curriculum challenges students to appreciate excellence in music—which often means to reject the prevalent music of contemporary culture. An understanding and love for the classic, traditional values of music teaches Ascension students to know and discern what is good, true and beautiful.