As a parent or grandparent of an Ascension student, you are invited to be a part of the Ascension Classical School Parent Council (PC). The mission of the ACS Parent Council is to support the mission of the school, along with its teachers, administration and students through financial assistance and volunteer management.
We need your unique talents, whether it's volunteering a few hours a month or a few hours a year, serving on the board, or attending meetings. The PC assists the school in many ways and there is a place for everyone to serve. Volunteering is a great way to get to know other ACS families and build community within the school. Some of the ways parents and grandparents serve in the school are by volunteering in the school library, helping with our biggest school fundraiser – Starry Night, delivering pizza to students on Pizza by the Slice Days, attending school Spirit Nights at local restaurants, praying with other parents and grandparents, reading to a class, volunteering in the school office and much more. We would love for you to come join us!